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How to cancel Origin Broadband service

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Last update: October 2, 2023
Roams UK
Author: Roams UK
31 people have read this post in the last 12 months

If you have decided to leave your Origin Broadband contract, you probably have a lot of questions about the process. Will you be left without broadband at any time? How much time will it take? Will there be fees? In this article, we will answer your questions and explain all you need to know about cancelling Origin Broadband.

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  1. · How to cancel Origin Broadband

How to cancel Origin Broadband

Before you cancel, make sure and check how long you have left in your contract. Origin Broadband deals have either a 12 or 18-month minimum term, and if you cancel before this has ended, you'll have to pay for the remaining months. If you're still within your contract, you are better off waiting until it's finished unless completely necessary.

The easiest way to end your Origin service is to switch to a new broadband deal on the same telephone network. In this case, that's the Openreach (BT line) telephone network. This is the network used by most providers, , and when you move between Openreach ISPs, the switching process can be handled by the new provider. All you need to do is switch and they will notify Origin.

There is not many swap over problems as within a couple of minutes your line will be back up and running if you are switching between Openreach line providers.

If you are switching to a different network that is not on the Openreach line, such as Virgin Media, or you no longer need broadband, then you'll need to contact Origin to request cancellation. 

You'll also need to return any equipment- such as routers or hubs- within 14 days of leaving, if you have not paid outright for these items.

Origin Broadband contact number

To cancel you can call Origin at 0330 024 1777. You can also contact them via live chat on their website, through their online contact form or by writing to them at the following address:

Origin Broadband,

Old Town Hall,

Rotherham S60 1QX,

United Kingdom

Is there any penalty fee for cancelling Origin Broadband?

In the event of an early cancellation Origin Broadband will charge you for the total remaining cost of the service. So take whatever you're paying monthly and multiply it by the remaining time on the contract, and that's how much you'll need to pay.

Like most providers, Origin requires 30 days notification. If you switch providers you'll usually be swapped over within about two weeks, so you'll pay the remaining days in your final bill.

Can I complain about Origin?

If you are having problems with your contract terms or you have a serious issue with Origin, you can contact the Ombudsman to investigate the issue. You can either call the Ombudsman on 0330 440 1614, email the Ombudsman at osenquiries@os-communications.org or write to the Ombudsman at:

Ombudsman Services - CommunicationsPO Box 730WarringtonWA4 6WU

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Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez