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TalkTalk customer service: free phone number to call and email

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Last update: October 12, 2023
Fernando Carrillo
2.251 people have read this post in the last 12 months

You can contact TALKTALK CUSTOMER SERVICE via phone, email, live chat, mobile app, social media, and postal address. In this post, we will help you contact TalkTalk via phone, email, and other means to resolve your complaints. We will also give you when their customer service agents are available.

TalkTalk customer service free phone number

Contact TalkTalk’s customer service using the number 03451720088 for general inquiries.

TalkTalk customer service mail address

Contact TalkTalk’s customer service via email at concerns@talktalkplc.com for general inquiries.

TalkTalk customer service opening times

TalkTalk’s customer service is available for general inquiries between 8 AM and 10 PM. You can also make sales inquiries about TV, broadband, and calls from Monday to Thursday between 8 AM to 10 PM. On Fridays, they’re available between 8 AM and 9 PM, and you can reach them between 9 AM and 8 PM on Saturdays and Sundays.

Other ways to contact TalkTalk

There are numerous other ways to contact TalkTalk asides from the traditional methods like phone and email described above.

Some of them include the following:

Mobile Apps

TalkTalk has a mobile app called the TalkTalk IP to-call app. The app has numerous functions, including the following:

  • Pay bills
  • Check your mobile, internet, and TV usage
  • View your billing history
  • Contact customer service.

The app has an app messenger that lets you contact a customer service agent about any complaints. You can also access a community message board of fellow TalkTalk users. There, you’ll see similar complaints made by other users and possible solutions that have worked.

Text Relay Services

Individuals with speech and hearing impairments can also get in touch with customer service using text relay services.

You can simply dial 18001, followed by 0345 172 0088, to pass your message across, and a customer service agent will get back to you via your preferred means after taking your message. You can select your preferred option between text-to-speech or speech-to-text options.

Online Live Chat

You can contact TalkTalk as if you were chatting with any other person on your social media platforms. This method of contacting TalkTalk is quite fast compared to most ways because you’ll get solutions to your concerns without interruptions.

To reach TalkTalk via live chat, you must visit their community website. Navigate to the ‘Help and Support section of the page, and you’ll be redirected to a new page where you’ll find the ‘chat now option.

If you click on the option, the chat interface will pop up, and your live chat session has commenced. You can then communicate your concerns via text.

TalkTalk Postal Address

TalkTalk claims they respond to a postal complaint within ten days of receiving the mail. So, contacting them through the Postal address can be an effective method of resolving your complaints.

Here’s how you can reach them:

State your claims and concerns in your post, and send it to the following address:

TalkTalk (TTR),

PO Box 675,



It is advisable to include the following in your letter:

  • Your name
  • Your complaint
  • The date your complaint occurred
  • Your TalkTalk home phone number
  • Details of any effort you’ve made to resolve the problem. This could include the names of any agents or technical support staff you’ve spoken to and what they’ve asked you to do.


TalkTalk’s official Twitter handle is @talktalk. Reports show that customer support staff often respond quickly to complaints posted on public channels like Twitter.

So, you could contact TalkTalk by tweeting to their official Twitter handle.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Schemes

You can also get TalkTalk’s attention if you have not got a response from a complaint you lodged after about eight weeks. Alternative dispute resolution schemes have the authority to look into these complaints to know if TalkTalk is in the wrong.

They are free and independent bodies often empowered by the government to offer this service. All internet service providers belong to either of two major ADRs. TalkTalk belongs to CISAS, which means Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme.

So, you can contact TalkTalk by filing an official complaint with CISAS. If CISAS finds TalkTalk lacking in their service or guilty of the lodged complaints, they’ll compel TalkTalk to compensate you.

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Personas que han participado en este post:

Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez