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How to cancel John Lewis Broadband and possible fees

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Last update: February 1, 2024
Fernando Carrillo
6 people have read this post in the last 12 months

People can cancel their John Lewis broadband subscription for various reasons, whatever they are. This post has you covered; stay tuned as we walk you through the cancellation process, whether you're in the middle of a contract or out of one. We will also review the instances where there is an early penalty for contract termination.

How to cancel your John Lewis Broadband service

While there are no early termination fees for cancelling if you are out of contract, John Lewis has a regular £25 disconnection cost that everyone must pay, regardless of contract status.

Signing up for a new broadband plan on the Openreach (BT line) telephone network is the simplest way to cancel John Lewis.

Because this is the same network that John Lewis uses, your new provider will manage the process, and you may not need to contact John Lewis at all. Look for a new deal, join up, and then sit back and wait for the transition. If you are switching networks or no longer require broadband, you must contact John Lewis and ask for the service to be terminated.

The best way to do this is to call 0800 022 3300. (lines are open daily from 9 am to 6 pm for customer service queries).

You can also reach John Lewis online or by writing to

John Lewis Broadband

The Balance

2 Pinfold Street


S1 2GU.

When writing, include the package you have, the date you ordered it, your name and address, a contact phone number, and the reason for cancellation; to make things easier, John Lewis has a cancellation form you can print and fill out.

Cancel John Lewis Broadband mid-contract

Cancelling when under contract is the same as described above (either switch and let the new provider do the work or get in touch with John Lewis and arrange it yourself).

However, when you are under contract, there are additional fees in the form of an early termination fee. Continue reading to find out how much this may cost.

John Lewis charges the following fees for each month remaining on your contract if you signed up before the 10th of December 2019:

John Lewis broadband package Charge per month
Unlimited £10.07
Fibre £16.52
Fibre Extra £19.75

Early termination charges are determined as follows for every client who signed up for a broadband contract after December 9, 2019.

  • Monthly charge (factoring in any monthly discount to which the customer is entitled);
  • Deduct VAT at the applicable rate;
  • Reduce the charge to take account of any costs saved because of leaving early, such as wholesale costs;
  • Deduct 1% for early receipt of payment;
  • Z. John Lewis will charge any part of a month in the remaining minimum term daily on a pro-rata basis.

Cancelling your John Lewis broadband if you are in contract

Cancelling your John Lewis broadband if you are in a contract is the same procedure as cancelling John Lewis Broadband mid-contract.

Early cancellation fees on John Lewis Broadband

If you're still within the first 12 months of your contract, you'll need to pay an early termination charge. You can calculate the exact amount if you read the John Lewis terms and conditions.

Frequently asked questions about cancelling John Lewis Broadband

can I cancel my John Lewis broadband for free?

No, John Lewis has a regular £25 disconnection cost that everyone must pay, regardless of contract status. It would help if you also gave a 14 days notice before cancelling your subscription.

Do I have to cancel my John Lewis Broadband if I switch to another provider?

Yes, you must cancel your john Lewis broadband subscription before switching to another provider.

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Personas que han participado en este post:

Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Laura Burón
Edited and revised por Laura Burón