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How to cancel SSE broadband

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Last update: May 29, 2023
Roams UK
Author: Roams UK
10 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Whether your contract with SSE is coming to an end, or your service isn't up to scratch, you may be thinking about cancelling your SSE broadband.

Read on to learn how and when to cancel, how to avoid early termination costs and how to switch efficiently.

How do I cancel SSE broadband?

The easiest way to cancel your SSE broadband is to switch to another Openreach provider. Provided your contract is coming to an end, you won't even need to speak with SSE to do this. The new provider solves all this for you!

If you are moving to Virgin or another provider that is not with Openreach, you need to complete this process manually. Contact SSE to cancel your broadband. You should clearly state your intention to cancel and your account details.

You can call SSE on 0345 071 9886 or email talk.cancellations@sse.com or you can write to

SSE Phone and Broadband Cancellations

PO Box 230



We'd suggest you contact SSE as early as possible as they require at least 28 days' notice to cancel. This period gives them time to ensure everything is arranged and let you know of any possible charges.

There may be early termination charges if you leave before the end of a fixed-term contract. If you joined in the last 12 months, SSE will arrange for the return of your router (if applicable). You will have to pay extra charges if you have damaged or lost the router.

How long do I have to cancel SSE broadband after the start of my contract?

SSE has a 'happiness guarantee' which lets you cancel within the first 60 days of your contract if you are dissatisfied with their service. If you cancel within this timeframe, you will not have to pay an early termination fee. This is a pretty good offering, considering most providers don't support any cancellations after the 14 day cooling off period.

How much does SSE broadband cost to cancel?

If you want to cancel while you're still in a fixed-term contract with SSE, you will have to pay an early termination fee.

For termination at any point between the broadband service start date and the end of the 18th month of the contract, there is an early termination charge for every day remaining of the contract. This is 39p per day (on average £11.86 per month) for Unlimited Fibre with a maximum charge of £213.53 per contract. For Unlimited Fibre Plus, it's 44p per day (on average £13.38 per month) with a maximum charge of £240.90 per contract. These charges are not subject to VAT.

By using the prepaid envelope provided by SSE, you can return your router once you cancel. If you do not return your router you will be charged £54!

How can I cancel my SSE internet broadband

To cancel your SSE internet broadband, follow the same process outlined above for cancelling your SSE broadband.

How can I contact SSE about problems?

If you wish to contact SSE about a problem, you can call SSE on 0345 678 0051 from 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. If you're unable to call, you can email customerservice@sse.co.uk or complete their online complaint form at sse.co.uk/forms/online-enquiry-form.

If you prefer, you can write to SSE at SSE Phone and Broadband, Customer Service, PO Box 230,

Havant, PO9 9DT.

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