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Community Fibre cancellation: how to end your contract

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Last update: May 29, 2023
Fernando Carrillo
634 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Community Fibre cancellation is important for ensuring you end any ongoing contract with community fibre without going against the earlier contract agreements. You can cancel the contract over the phone, via a contact form, or by writing a letter. This post will help you cancel your Community Fibre contract, whether you are quitting the company, moving to another provider, or moving home.

How to cancel Community Fibre

You can cancel your community fibre either over the phone by making a Free phone call or by using the contact form on the “contact us” page on community fibre’s official website.

Lastly, you can write to community fibre on Floor 7, Fox Court, 14 Grays Inn Road, London WC1 X8HN.

You can cancel your contract at no additional cost if you have come to the end of your contract. However, if your contract is not over, and you would like to cancel for such reasons as finding a new internet service provider, moving to a new location, or other reasons, you need to take some necessary actions.

We’ll discover what you need to do to cancel your community fibre contract in the best way in the coming sections.

What is Community Fibre’s cancellation number?

Community fibre’s cancellation number is 0800820770. It is a Free phone, so community fibre covers the cost of the call so that you won’t be charged.

You can cancel your community fibre contract by calling this number.

Canceling Community Fibre if you are moving

You will be charged only 50% of the cancellation fee if you cancel your contract with community fibre because you’re moving to a new location where community fibre’s broadband services are unavailable.

However, you must provide proof of your new address to qualify for this consideration. You can use the following as proof:

  1. A solicitor’s letter confirming that contracts have been exchanged on a new home.
  2. A copy of documents like the current council tax bill, driving license, utility bill showing usage, or a doctor’s registration letter. Any of these documents need to show your new address.
  3. A formal lease agreement issued by an approved letting agency showing that your lease is starting and that you will be living at the new address. This document should show the address page and the last page signed by the landlord and tenant.

If you don’t provide any of the documents listed above, you’ll be required to pay the full cancellation fee.

Cancellation fees on Community Fibre

If you wish to cancel early, you’ll be required to pay all fees payable under the agreed contract. You can calculate the total amount by multiplying the monthly fee by the months left on your contract.

Canceling your community fibre contract early requires you to return all community fibre equipment at your own cost. Otherwise, they may have to send their agents to retrieve the equipment, and you’ll have to cover the cost.

Lastly, additional fees for installation that were probably not included in the earlier charges may be added to the cancellation fee.

In situations where community fibre is looking to change the services you are receiving or the contract they are providing, you won’t be charged any cancellation fees. You’ll also not be charged any cancellation fees if you decide to cancel the contract during this period.

You’ll also not be charged a cancellation fee when community fibre informs you that they intend to materially increase the price of the services while your contract with them is ongoing.

The last condition under which you will not be charged a cancellation fee is when you’re moving to a refuge. However, you need to send them a written confirmation from the refuge you’re moving to, or you’ll be charged the full cancellation fee.

What is the cancellation period for Community Fibre?

The cancellation period for community fibre is regarded as the “cooling off” period. This period begins from the day your services or contract goes live until the next 14 days. You can cancel your contract within this “cooling period” without incurring the cancellation fee costs.

Not only that.

You’re also liable to receive a refund if you cancel your contract within this period. You can make your intentions known via a letter, phone, or contact form on community fibre’s website.

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Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez