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Pay your Pop telecom bill: online, over the phone and with Direct Debit.

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Last update: May 29, 2023
María Pando
2 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Pop Telecom Pay Bill is a feature on the Pop Telecom website that allows users to pay their phone bills online without hassle. While users can opt for the option of online payment, they can also pay via phone or direct debit. This article explores how to pay Pop Telecom bills online, via phone, as well as direct debit. It also highlights contact numbers to reach out to when there are issues with billing on Pop Telecom.

How to pay your Pop telecom bill

Pop Telecom is an internet provider. It's quite easy to pay your bill from home if you choose to do so. It will be most helpful if you want to pay your overdue bill using either a credit card or debiting directly from your bank account. You may also use the direct debit option, which is a very popular choice among payment methods. Here are some steps on how to pay your Pop telecom bill online or via phone.

First, you'll need to log in to your account and navigate to the 'Pay My Bill' section. Click on Pay Bill. Here, you will be requested to input your Pop Telecom account number and postcode to retrieve your outstanding balance. You'll see a list of all your outstanding bills, with an option to enter any additional information about the payment (like an invoice number or due date). Click on 'Continue' when you're ready.

Now that you've selected the bill you want to pay off, you'll see a summary of what it says in the bottom left corner: how much money has been taken out so far this month and how much is left over. If there's enough money in there already, great! Just click 'Submit' at the bottom right corner of this page.

If there isn't enough money left over after taking out what's owed today, then we'll show you some options: either pay now or set up automatic payments by direct debit from your bank account every month on a schedule that works best for you!

Is there a number to pay a Pop telecom bill?

You can pay your bill either by calling us at Pop Telecom Billing Support on 0343 5386363. This service is available from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. On the phone line, you can speak to a friendly operator who will take your payment details and process them for you immediately.

Problems paying your Pop telecom bill online

If you experience difficulties making online phone bill payments, get in touch with Pop Telecom.

Between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm, talk to their devoted Technical Agents, Customer Service Agents, or Sales Agents online.

Hours of operation and contact information for each department's chat service

  • Call 0343 538 6666 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, for sales support.
  • Call 0343 538 6611 for customer service from Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm.
  • Call 0343 538 6611 for technical support from Monday through Sunday, 9 am to 6 pm.
  • Billing Support: Call 0343 5386363 from Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm.

Pay your Pop telecom billing with Direct Debit.

If you wish to pay by Direct Debit, please follow these simple instructions:

  • Log in at www.poptelecom.com and click on “Pay Bills” from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Input your Telecom account number and postcode to generate your outstanding balance.
  • Click on the bill you want to pay and click on make payment.
  • Click on Direct Debit.
  • Enter your payment details into the form that appears next to “add a new payment method” and click submit when done
  • You should receive an email confirming your new payment method within 24 hours, but if this does not happen, please call Pop Telecom on 0343 5386363.
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Roams offers a free information and comparison service, which tries to help anyone find the product that best suits their needs. To ensure that the data presented is correct, extensive market research and product analysis is carried out. Our database of mobile phone and internet rates is updated every day. The content is frequently reviewed by a team of writers with previous experience and/or specific training in telephony.

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María PandoRoams
Actualizado por María Pando

María es experta en Marketing Digital, graduada en Publicidad y RRPP en la URJC. Tiene 3 años de experiencia a sus espaldas creando contenido sobre equipos de electrónica de consumo, entre otros. Amante de la naturaleza, se declara persona ecorresponsable y, por lo tanto, está muy preocupada por hacer un consumo justo en su día a día. Ahora mismo está viendo Los Soprano en Netflix, tiene un Samsung Galaxy S22 y se mueve por la ciudad en bici.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez