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Cancellation process on Pop telecom: how to request it and fees

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Last update: May 29, 2023
María Pando
183 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Pop Telecom cancellation can be a long and confusing process. The reasons why people want to cancel their Pop telecom services vary, but the process can often be more difficult than it seems. This article will teach users how to cancel their Pop telecom services, together with the steps they need to take and the things they should consider before cancelling.

How to request a cancellation on Pop telecom

We understand that you may want to cancel your Pop telecom services, but we want to make sure you have all the information you need before making a final decision. When you cancel, you'll still be charged for any unused minutes and data until the end of your billing cycle. This means that if you choose to downgrade your actual package or change to other deals instead of cancelling, your bill could actually go down—and this can make a huge difference in how much money you save each month!

How to cancel Pop Telecom

You must contact a POP Telecom customer care representative by phone or email to discontinue your service. The representative will guide you through the cancellation procedure despite your disappointment. Depending on where you are in the transaction, they will inform you if there will be Pop Telecom cancellation charges.

The following rules will apply if you want to stop using a Service:

  • You must give us written notice 30 days in advance of your departure for us in order to terminate the Broadband Service;
  • You must provide us with 30 days' notice in writing if you want to cancel the UK Calls Service.
  • You must inform Pop Telecom in writing 30 days in advance of Pop Telecom cancellation and returning your equipment if you choose to discontinue the POP TV Package Service.
  • Except for the cost of the equipment, if it is not returned, there are no exit fees when leaving POP Telecom.
  • You must either call Customer Services or submit a letter to POP Telecom PO BOX 12927, if you want to terminate this Contract.

You will be charged an early Pop Telecom cancellation fee for the balance of the contract if you decide to stop your agreement or any service before the conclusion of the initial term. You can find more information about this on their website or by calling the Customer Service Department at the number on any of your phone bills from Pop Telecom.

Cancellation number for Pop telecom

Call Pop Telecom at 0343 538 6666 from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. If you are unsure of the cost of a call, we ask that you contact your service provider.

Are there cancellation fees on Pop telecom?

There will be no cancellation fees if you cancel before the expiration of your contract.

However, if you break your contract while it's still in effect, you'll have to pay an early termination fee equal to the remaining time on your contract. This simply means that you will be charged a cancellation fee for the remaining six months of your contract if you are on a 12-month term and decide to end it in the sixth month.

Refunds after cancellation on Pop telecom

As a Pop Telecom customer, you are responsible for billing for all services provided by the company. Therefore, there are no refunds after cancellation.

Before cancelling Pop telecom: other alternatives

Depending on the broadband package you choose, Pop Telecom offers two different models of routers at the moment. Your broadband package will automatically include a free router. However, you can ask for an upgrade if you want a better router rather than breaking your contract with Pop Telecom.

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Personas que han participado en este post:

María PandoRoams
Actualizado por María Pando

María es experta en Marketing Digital, graduada en Publicidad y RRPP en la URJC. Tiene 3 años de experiencia a sus espaldas creando contenido sobre equipos de electrónica de consumo, entre otros. Amante de la naturaleza, se declara persona ecorresponsable y, por lo tanto, está muy preocupada por hacer un consumo justo en su día a día. Ahora mismo está viendo Los Soprano en Netflix, tiene un Samsung Galaxy S22 y se mueve por la ciudad en bici.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez