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XLN reviews: is this business services provider any good?

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Last update: May 29, 2023
Fernando Carrillo

This XLN review aims to provide you with factual information on XLN services. After reading this review, we hope you have enough information to make well-informed decisions on XLN services, including broadband services, business phone services and more.

XLN reviews: pros and cons of this provider

1. Pro: Designed for small enterprises.

XLN's services are built from the ground up to accommodate a smaller company size so that a smaller company could profit from this focused attention. XLN's ideals are manifested in several essential ways. For example, XLN offers large discounts during your first year with them, so you don't have to worry about broadband as much when you first start.

XLN provides fibre broadband.

Fibre broadband growth has taken the networking world by storm in recent years, and XLN can supply a Business Fibre plan with all the benefits that this includes. Fibre is much faster than other types of broadband because the ultra-thin connections allow faster data transmission over longer distances.

Fibre broadband is a more reliable connection, and businesses of all sizes could profit from it. XLN provides fibre at no additional cost compared to ordinary broadband connections; if your location can benefit from fibre broadband, you will not be out of money if you use it. The XLN bundle can boost your speed up to 76 megabits per second, which is more than four times the speed of their standard broadband.

Additionally, the service includes features that distinguish it from other broadband packages that target this market, such as Guest Wi-Fi and a unique VoIP system. XLN claims to have helped over 700,000 small businesses because they understand how important broadband is too small enterprises.

2. Cons: Additional and Hidden Fees

Of course, the obvious disadvantage of a lower first-year contract is that the price increase that follows may only be suitable for some. Even if you are doing everything possible to grow your business, there is no assurance that you will be able to afford a big increase in broadband expenses. After the first year, the price increase puts it ahead of most competitors, with TalkTalk and Vodafone looking more appealing.

This increase may be too high for a business still in its early stages compared to more standard broadband solutions. Potential price rises can reduce XLN's appeal for small businesses significantly - and considering this is a major aspect of the provider's ethos; this could be a deal breaker.

Con: Fibre is still in short supply.

The downside with any fibre broadband is that it is not available everywhere, which means you may be limited to regular broadband. Broadband can get the job done swiftly, especially if your business is not extremely data-intensive, but it might be discouraging when the "better" choice is unavailable.

The lack of a pricing difference may be a disadvantage because it may appear that you are paying the same price for the slower connection. Although XLN is not accountable for this, it is a necessary caveat that may outweigh a primary advantage. The vast majority of houses and businesses can get a fibre connection, but if you live in a rural place, you may be among the unlucky 4% who cannot.

XLN broadband reviews

XLN only offers broadband services to small businesses, guaranteeing world-class customer care, smoother switching, and never being undercut on price. This review will give an overview of XLN broadband and what it offers.

The table below summarizes key aspects of XLN broadband.

Key aspects of XLN broadband Features
Speed Up to 76mbps
Broadband type Standard and Fibre
Phone line Included
Length of Contract 18-months
Price per month 27.95

XLN features an entry-level broadband service called Essential Broadband & UK Calls that offers speeds of up to 17Mbps, comparable to other providers' entry-level packages.

For a few more monthly pounds, you can buy XLN's Superfast Fibre Broadband & UK Calls bundle, which claims up to 76Mbps. As previously said, it is only a few pounds more than normal broadband, so there is no reason not to choose this option unless you cannot access fibre at your address. You can use our fibre postcode checker to determine if fibre is accessible in your area.

In addition to the broadband connection, you and your colleagues will use, XLN can supply you with their public guest Wi-Fi service for a small monthly price or for free with the Superfast Fibre Broadband package. Everyone like being connected, so this will keep your customers happy and may even inspire people to visit you. According to XLN, 77% of consumers are more inclined to visit businesses that provide free Wi-Fi, and 68% are more likely to return to establishments that allow them to connect to the internet.

Reviews of XLN business phone

XLN offers business phone line deals with unlimited calls as a standard. You can choose from one of their three options: Essential Phone Line & Unlimited UK Calls, Superfast Fibre Digital Phone & UK Calls and Cloud Voice & Unlimited Mobile Data. These three phone deals cost £24.95, £34.95 and £25 respectively.

You can take advantage of these offers on XLN business phones to switch from standard phone lines to internet ones since traditional phone lines will soon become obsolete. Openreach has announced that it will stop producing traditional telephones in 2025, and other phone manufacturers are likely to do the same.

XLN reviews: other business services

XLN Energy: XLN energy service focuses on supplying small businesses with green energy. XLN is committed to saving twenty-five thousand acres of rainforest land every year and removing plastic waste from the ocean. They are a great energy company to do business with if you're a small business that cares about healing the world and leaving a smaller carbon footprint.

Card processing: XLN offers competitive pricing supported by world-class service. That implies there will be no robots, banks, or hidden costs. They provide three card processing options: countertop / portable card machines, online virtual payments, and mobile card readers.

Reviews of XLN's customer service

XLN guarantees that customer calls will be answered within three rings. It is the only corporate or residential broadband supplier we know of that has made such a claim. XLN's call centre's Headquarters is in the United Kingdom, and it appears they resolve 90% of difficulties on the first call.

You can reach the XLN customer from 8.30 am to 8 pm, Monday to Friday, and from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays, which means that they are available to help with your issues and support much longer than most of their competitors. For example, BT customer care opening hours are Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.

XLN's sole focus on small businesses should allow it to provide more specialized and professional guidance, which it claims it does through the Biz Hub area of its website, which offers tips, tools, and insight. There is also a support page with frequently asked questions and contact information.

In 2018, XLN won the Customer Satisfaction Award and was a runner-up in the Best Utilities and Contact Centre categories at the Customer Experience Awards.

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Roams offers a free information and comparison service, which tries to help anyone find the product that best suits their needs. To ensure that the data presented is correct, extensive market research and product analysis is carried out. Our database of mobile phone and internet rates is updated every day. The content is frequently reviewed by a team of writers with previous experience and/or specific training in telephony.

Personas que han participado en este post:

Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez