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Virgin Media complaints: how to make them online or via phone

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Last update: May 29, 2023
María Pando
39 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Virgin media complaints make it possible to report your problems with Virgin media services. This article will focus on providing information on how to go about making a complaint on virgin media.

More info

How to make complaints to Virgin Media

There are a couple of ways to make a complaint to virgin media if you are finding it difficult to use their services, including:

  1. Via webchat
  2. Via web form
  3. Via phone
  4. Via post

Virgin Media complaints: phone number

To make a virgin media complaint via phone call, please do the following.

Customers of Virgin Media

Call Virgin Media at 150 from any Virgin Media landline or mobile phone. Alternatively, dial 0345 454 1111* from any other phone. The Virgin Media team is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Customers of Virgin Mobile

Call 789 from a Virgin Media landline or a Virgin Mobile phone.

Alternatively, dial 0345 600 0789* from any other phone.

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Complain to Virgin Media online

You can complain to Virgin media online through one of these ways.

Web chat

The web chat team at Virgin Media is available Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We will respond as soon as possible, but it may take longer if you contact us outside of our normal business hours.


Use the web form on Virgin media's support page to file a complaint. Fill out the form and tell them what went wrong and what they can do to make it right. They will respond and resolve your Complaint within seven days of receiving it.

Make complaints to Virgin Media via post.

You can send your Complaint by mail to the following address:

Sunderland, SR43 4AA, Virgin Media

Although complaining by mail takes longer, Virgin Media promises to acknowledge your Complaint within 48 hours of receipt and to resolve any issues within 28 days.

How to track your Complaint

If you have a Virgin Media Broadband, TV, or landline, you can track the status of your Complaint on My Virgin Media by visiting the My Cases dashboard. Virgin Media will acknowledge your Complaint within 48 hours, and we will try to resolve it within 25 days.

If your issue was with Virgin Mobile, they do not currently have tracking capability.

Resolving a complaint

Virgin Media promises to do everything possible to find a solution that works for you. And they'll notify you as soon as they believe they have a solution.

The nature of your Complaint and how you contacted them determine the length of time it takes to resolve it. If you call them, they will do their best to resolve your problem during the call. If you contact them via web chat, they will try to resolve everything during the session. Web forms and mail complaints will take a little longer, but no matter how you contact them, they will make every effort to resolve your issue within 28 days.

If they can't resolve everything immediately, they will attempt to contact you via your preferred method once they have found a solution. If you are contacting them by phone, please provide them with your best phone number. If they cannot reach you, they will text you our phone number so you can call them back when convenient.

If they cannot contact you, they will email you, so keep an eye on your inbox. They will write to your home address if they cannot email you.

Other ways to make a complaint to Virgin Media

There are no other ways to contact Virgin media asides from those listed in this article.

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Personas que han participado en este post:

María PandoRoams
Actualizado por María Pando

María es experta en Marketing Digital, graduada en Publicidad y RRPP en la URJC. Tiene 3 años de experiencia a sus espaldas creando contenido sobre equipos de electrónica de consumo, entre otros. Amante de la naturaleza, se declara persona ecorresponsable y, por lo tanto, está muy preocupada por hacer un consumo justo en su día a día. Ahora mismo está viendo Los Soprano en Netflix, tiene un Samsung Galaxy S22 y se mueve por la ciudad en bici.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez