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Request a cancellation on Hyperoptic: how to do it and early exit fees

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Last update: May 29, 2023
Fernando Carrillo
102 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Hyperoptic cancellation is not always easy, especially if you are new to the brand or have recently joined it. This article will present users with a step-by-step guide on how to cancel their broadband on Hyperoptic's network, early exit fees, and possible alternatives.

How to cancel your Hyperoptic broadband

Hyperoptic cancellation can be made through various methods. Whether you're switching to a different broadband provider, moving to a new address, or cancelling for another reason will depend on your situation.

Changing to another broadband provider

By getting in touch with them, you'll need to let Hyperoptic know if you're switching to a different broadband provider. This won't be completed when you sign up with your new provider; instead, you'll need to go through their usual cancelling procedure.

Moving Home

You can move your Hyperoptic Broadband service to a different address via the company's home-moving procedure.

Other reasons

You must speak with Hyperoptic to end your service if you terminate your broadband service for any other reason. If you still have time left on the minimum term of your contract with Hyperoptic, you'll have to pay an early termination fee.

Standard Cancellation Process

A standard Hyperoptic cancellation process can be used in any scenario as long as you do not want to continue with the Hyperoptic services.

If you no longer require your Hyperoptic service, follow these instructions to discontinue it.

  • Dial Hyperoptic's customer care number (0333 332 1111)
  • Calling Hyperoptic will be answered by a representative.
  • To prove you are the account's owner, give the customer support service your contract number and other customer information.
  • To cancel your Hyperoptic broadband account, contact customer care and ask them to send you a confirmation email after the procedure is finished.

Cancelling Hyperoptic if you are switching to a new provider

You must manually cancel your broadband subscription with Hyperoptic if you are switching between broadband providers that do not use the same Openreach phone network (for example, a mobile, cable, or fibre-only provider).

Your contract's precise expiration date and the total cost of the last bill will be confirmed by Hyperoptic with you. Be aware that there may be an early termination fee if you stop your contract before the minimum period has expired.

Make sure your new broadband service begins on or before the day your old one ends. Subscription stops to avoid going without any broadband throughout the transition period.

Hyperoptic cancellation if you are moving

Your broadband plan can be transferable if you move homes using Hyperoptic's home move service. They will set up broadband service at your new address for you and transfer your current contract.

However, you can only use Hyperoptic's home move service when switching to a different apartment inside the same building. In most cases, if you're relocating to a different building, Hyperoptic will treat you as a new client (meaning you might still need to pay an early exit fee when you move).

Be aware that the services and download speeds offered at your new address might not be the same as those offered at your present address. Before switching over your service, you should be informed of this. You will still be obligated to pay the usual termination fee if you cannot obtain a Hyperoptic service at your new address.

Possible cancellation charges on Hyperoptic

Hyperoptic cancellation charges are determined by how long your minimum period has left. You can find out the cancellation cost and other terms of your agreement by contacting our customer service department at support@hyperoptic.com or by calling 0333 332 1111.

Alternatives to cancelling your Hyperoptic contract

You have a few options besides terminating your Hyperoptic Broadband service:

  • Poor Download speeds: If you have slow download rates, your wi-fi network may be to blame rather than your internet connection. Before terminating your broadband service, it's important to confirm. To do so, connect an Ethernet cable from a wired device, such as a laptop, to your Hyperoptic hub.
  • Additional Broadband line: Without cancelling your Hyperoptic service, you can sign up for Three Broadband or a company that uses Openreach, such as BT, Sky, or TalkTalk, if you want an additional broadband line. By doing this, you won't have to discontinue your Hyperoptic service to enjoy the benefits of having a second broadband provider. Additionally, you can avoid paying Hyperoptic's early cancellation cost.
  • Moving Home: You do not have to cancel your Hyperoptic services when you are moving, as you could be able to bring your Hyperoptic connection with you if you move homes.

Frequently asked questions about the cancellation on Hyperoptic.

  • Can I cancel Hyperoptic if I no longer get Hyperoptic services in my new home?

Yes, you can cancel Hyperoptic services if you no longer get the service at your new home.

  • Do I need to cancel Hyperoptic services if I am moving within the same building?

You need to move your services. Moving your Hyperoptic service is cost-free and quick if you move within the same building.

What is the Hyperoptic early cancellation fee?

There are hyperoptic broadband early cancellation fees for broadband-only and broadband-plus phone services.

You must pay a £20 service termination fee for a broadband-only subscription and a £25 service termination fee for broadband plus phone service if you cancel your Hyperoptic service during the minimum commitment period, typically the first 12 months.

Alternatively, you'll only be charged the leftover sum as your service termination fee if your minimum commitment period charges less than this.

Your Hyperoptic service may occasionally be able to be terminated without incurring an early termination fee. If the minimum guaranteed download speed you were given when you signed up for the service is lower than the speed of your broadband connection, you can still do this. Alternatively, it would also be feasible if Hyperoptic raised your fees over the amount promised when you first signed up for your plan.

Is there a cancellation period on Hyperoptic?

According to the Hyperoptic cancellation policy, users must offer at least 30 days' notice if they wish to discontinue using Hyperoptic services. A 180-day notice period is the most that can be given.

Can I cancel Hyperoptic during the cooling-off period?

The Cooling-off Period established by law allows users to revoke their subscription to Hyperoptic services. Beginning the day after your order confirmation is sent, you have 14 day Hyperoptic cancellation period. This can be accomplished by informing Customer Services of your cancellation intention.

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Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez