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How to cancel your Vodafone Broadband or Contract

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Last update: October 16, 2023
Fernando Carrillo
74 people have read this post in the last 12 months

Vodafone Cancellation of a contract is not as difficult as you might think. This article will show you how to cancel your broadband or mobile contract and save money on pesky early termination fees.

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How to cancel Vodafone

There are three different methods for Vodafone Cancellation if you've made up your mind to do so. Whether you intend to switch to another network will determine the best method for cancelling your Vodafone service. Whether you want to preserve your Vodafone phone number or start over again with a new one on your next mobile network will also reflect on your preferences.

Here are the three methods:

  • PAC Code procedure: If you are switching networks and want to keep your Vodafone number, you will have to use the PAC Code procedure to end your Vodafone contract and transfer your phone number to a new provider.
  • STAC Code procedure: If you are switching networks and want to start again with a new phone number, you will have to use the STAC Code procedure to end your Vodafone contract.
  • Vodafone Standard cancellation process: If you won't be switching to another cell phone network but still want to cancel your Vodafone contract, you will use the Vodafone Standard cancellation process with a 30-day notice period applied in this case.

PAC Code procedure

The PAC Code procedure has become the most popular method of terminating your contract with Vodafone. This process is also known as the Porting Authorisation Code process. In general, if you want to cancel Vodafone contract to join another mobile network, you should cancel via this technique. If you use the PAC Code method, your phone number will follow you to the new network.

You don't have to give a PAC Code 30 days' notice for Vodafone cancellation. Vodafone may only bill you up to the day your PAC Code is utilised, as long as you are past the required duration of the contract. Early termination costs could still be charged if you're within the minimum contract period.

Vodafone offers PAC Codes in one of the following three ways:

  • Online: You can log in on the My Vodafone website to obtain a PAC Code online. Once you log in, click on Account settings > Mobile switching to complete the process.
  • Text message: You can request a Vodafone PAC Code by sending a text message. You must text PAC to 65075, and Vodafone will send you a PAC Code.
  • By phone: Dial Vodafone to obtain a PAC Code. To do this, dial 191 from your Vodafone phone. Similarly, using any other phone, call 03333 040 191. You must dial Vodafone within business hours (Monday-Friday 8 am-9 pm, Saturday 8 am-9 pm, Sunday 8 am-9 pm).

STAC Code procedure

Vodafone's STAC Code cancellation procedure, also known as Service Termination Authorisation Code, is applied when switching to a different mobile network. With a Vodafone STAC Code, you can restart your new mobile network with a new phone number.

The benefit of utilising a Vodafone STAC Code when you're outside the minimum term of your contract, as opposed to using Vodafone's usual cancellation procedure, is that Vodafone will only be allowed to bill you up until the date your STAC Code is utilised (a 30-day notice period does not apply). An early exit fee could still be charged even if you're inside your contract's minimum term.

Vodafone Standard Cancellation

Use the standard Vodafone cancellation process only if you aren't switching to another mobile network. You'll need to phone Vodafone to stop your contract using the regular cancellation procedure. You will then be required to pay your regular monthly connection fee for the following 30 days.

Contacting Vodafone customer support at (191) will allow you to make a standard cancellation request. Monday through Friday, 8 am to 9 pm; Saturday, 8 am to 9 pm; and Sunday, 8 am to 9 pm.

If you cancel Vodafone contract within the first 14 days, Vodafone may still allow you to do so without any charges, as this may fall under Vodafone Cool Off Period. Early termination fees might not be charged in this situation.

How to cancel your Vodafone Contract

You can terminate your Vodafone contract in any of these three different ways. Use whichever meets your requirements the best.

To cancel Vodafone contract via phone:

To cancel Vodafone contract, dial 191 from your Vodafone mobile phone or 03333 040 191 from a different phone.

To cancel Vodafone contract via text:

When switching providers, you need a PAC code to preserve your current phone number:

  • Just text PAC + PIN.
  • Send to 65075.
  • Within 30 days, submit the PAC to your new provider.
  • Your phone number will be moved, and your Vodafone account will be closed.

To change service providers and obtain a new number for the STAC code:

  • Message STAC + PIN.
  • Send to 75075
  • Give the code to your new provider and use it within 30 days.
  • Both your phone number and your Vodafone account will be changed.

To cancel Vodafone contract online:

  • Go online and sign into your Vodafone account.
  • Choose Settings > Plan settings > View from the menu. Change to a different network > I'll change networks.
  • For a PAC or STAC code, ask.
  • Within 30 days, give the code to your new provider.
  • You can start using your new provider after your Vodafone mobile service ends.

How to cancel your Vodafone Broadband

Vodafone broadband contracts have a fixed length of at least 18 months, though they're more likely to be 24 months. If you decide to cancel your service during this time, you'll almost certainly incur extra fees. Waiting until the end of the term to cancel Vodafone Broadband is better for your bank account.

Vodafone Broadband Cancellation Within 14 Days or During the Cooling-Off Period

Consumers in the UK have the right to free Cancellation of a broadband purchase within 14 working days of the contract's signing, thanks to the Consumer Contracts Regulations.

Vodafone Broadband cancellation Following the 14-day mark and the cooling-off period

Even after the 14-day cooling-off period has ended, you have the option to end a contract at any time. Provide Vodafone with your account number to get in touch with them. However, Cancellation after 14 days will require you to pay a certain amount of money as cancellation fees. In this case, Vodafone charges the same amount you would normally pay for the duration of your contract.

Cancelling your Vodafone Broadband

It's simple to cancel Vodafone broadband. All you have to do to cancel is dial 191, or 03333 040 191, from a Vodafone mobile phone. Remember that you must cancel your Internet service with 30 days' notice.

Are there any cancellation fees on Vodafone?

Yes, there are cancellation fees on Vodafone. An "early termination charge" (ETC) or "early exit cost" will be charged if you are still within the minimum contract period with Vodafone. In essence, this will pay off the remaining balance of your contract. This fee is based on your monthly planned charge, and how much longer you have on your contract.

With Vodafone, you'll be required to pay an early termination charge equal to 81.7% of the sum of your outstanding payments for the contract's minimum duration. This assumes that Vodafone will give a reduction of 2% and won't add VAT to the early cancellation cost.

Vodafone cancellation: Other alternatives

There are other options besides cancelling your Vodafone contract if you're still within the minimum term. These include discovering ways to enhance your Vodafone coverage and switching your phone outside the terms of your contract with Vodafone.

If your reason for cancelling Vodafone contract is a mobile phone upgrade, you can consider keeping your Vodafone contract by switching your mobile phone outside the network. This means you can buy an unlocked sim-free smartphone and insert your Vodafone sim to continue use.

Suppose your reason for cancelling Vodafone contract is a mobile phone upgrade. In that case, you can consider keeping your Vodafone contract by using features like WiFi calling or contacting Vodafone customer service by calling 191 on your Vodafone mobile phone.

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Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez