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Plusnet webmail: how to log in, access, and change settings

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Last update: May 29, 2023
Fernando Carrillo
3 people have read this post in the last 12 months

With the Plusnet webmail, you can access your Plusnet email from anywhere in the world without stress. This article will help you understand how to log into your Plusnet webmail, access the Plusnet webmail and make changes to webmail settings.

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How to log in to your Plusnet webmail

Follow these easy steps to log into your Plusnet webmail account:

  • Log in with your primary Plusnet account login and password to check your primary Plusnet email address. If you are checking an additional or secondary mailbox
  • If you are checking an additional or secondary mailbox, you will have picked your password when you created it. Log into Manage My Mail to reset the password if unsure of it.s
  • Select your provider next to the server.
  • Tap Login.

What does an email address from Plusnet look like?

The Plusnet email address has three different parts. They are as follows:

Main part: You can choose anything for this. However, the majority of people use their first name or their initials.

Username: This is the username associated with your account and will remain the same for any additional Plusnet email addresses you create. You cannot change your username in the future.

Plus.com: Remember that the domain name is plus.com and not plus.net. (For those customers who have been with Plusnet for a while, your email address may end in co.uk or .free-online).

Your email address would be andrew@smith.plus.com if your name is Andrew and Smith is your username.

How to change your Plusnet webmail settings

You can access your email account and change your Plusnet webmail settings. Please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Plusnet website.
  2. Use your Plusnet account and password to sign in.
  3. Select Email Settings from the menu on the left by clicking it.
  4. Click Manage My Mail, and your settings will appear.
  5. Alternatively, you can visit email.plus.net and sign in there.
  6. There are six primary parts when you access your Plusnet email account. Here are their characteristics and purposes.

Summary: A brief list of every email address you have on file with us. You can see the type of each one next to it (such as "Alias")

Mailboxes: Add, rename, update, or remove email addresses.

Aliases: Add, modify, or delete alias email addresses.

Redirects: add, update, or remove email addresses for redirects

Spam: Choose your course of action concerning spam (junk) emails that may arrive in your mailbox. Look at How to safeguard your email account against spam.

Catch-All: Select the email address you want all your emails to go to and set the service on or off.

Plusnet webmail service: how to use it

To use your Plusnet webmail services, you must

  • First, log into your Plusnet member centre using your username and password.
  • Next, you must click on Email services under My account.
  • After that, you must select manage my mail. It is in the middle of the page. This will bring up a summary of your email services.
  • Your email address starts with a name of your choosing followed by @, then your username.plus.com.
  • You can check your Plusnet mail, create a new email address, a new mailbox and lots more.

What do I need to get a Plusnet webmail account?

To a Plusnet webmail account, you must have a Plusnet email, a username and a password. You can access the Plusnet email from any computer or mobile device with these login details.

How much email storage am I allowed?

If you frequently use more than 1GB for all your mailboxes, we may have to ask you to delete or archive some of your emails because having many users with large mailboxes can make the service sluggish. Your usage can be viewed on Webmail. Just carry out these actions.

  1. Click The Personal Settings button
  2. Then select Folders.
  3. To check a folder, click on it.
  4. Select Click to get folder size to view the folder's size.
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Fernando CarrilloRoams
Actualizado por Fernando Carrillo

Fernando estudió Administración, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Con más de dos años de experiencia en Roams, Fernando es experto en el asesoramiento sobre telefonía, tarifas de móvil e internet. Además, también es especialista en canales de televisión y las distintas ofertas que tienen los operadores con tv.

Nadia Pérez
Edited and revised por Nadia Pérez